Tithe and Offering
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Presbyterian Women

Our Mission Statement: God empowers the women of MPC, united by the Holy Spirit, to serve Jesus Christ in our homes, church, community, and world. Celebrating our diversity, we model the compassion of Christ through support, nurture, and presence. Under-girded by prayer, we offer study, fellowship, and service to the glory of God.

Opportunities: Our activities include spring and fall rummage sales, annual Birthday Offering, annual Thank Offering, knitting and crocheting groups, Bible studies, and other women’s fellowship and service opportunities.

Information: Please contact the church office for more information.

Spring & Fall Annual Rummage Sales

Thank you for donating items, volunteering at the sale, and purchasing items! All proceeds benefit PW mission agencies locally, nationally, and globally.

NEXT SALE: MAY 7-9, 2024